2010年10月14日 星期四

Chile rescue becomes global happening on TV

Chile rescue becomes global happening on TV

Communications technology — including live video from within the mine — turned the entire world into a global village hoping for the safe release of men they did not know and would probably never meet. It was as if each of us could see ourselves in their place, wondering how we would cope with the sustained terror and then the sudden emergence into the light.

“It feels like we’re all there with them even though we’re so far away,” said Jose Torra, 34, who watched in London as the rescue unfolded on Wednesday morning. “For once it is a story with a good ending.”

They were the hugs felt round the world. It’s a feature of the TV age that intimacy can be transmitted live to hundreds of millions of people simultaneously, creating a shared memory of great moments.

In New York City,floorsocks Mark and Susan Vannucci, a landscaper and a nurse from Bethpage, N.Y.plug2010, watched the rescue on a TV at a restaurant in Times Square.

“It’s a heartwarming story. It’s family values, it’s leadership, it’s everything that we should have here,cctv cameras” Mark Vannucci said. His wife said: “Instead of those guys in the mine turning on each other, they worked together, they bonded.”

Nielsen Co. said 10.6 million people in the United States were watching the CNN, Fox News and MSNBC cable news channels from 11 to 11:15 p.m. Tuesday night, as the first miner was pulled to the surface. Normally,pumpabc just about 2 million people total are watching the three channels at that hour.

The rescue of each miner set off a wave of congratulatory messages on Twitter, where many were already suggesting Tom Cruise, Ben Affleck or Nicholas Cage star in a Hollywood movie on the ordeal.

Some Internet users in Mexico posted bittersweet messages,cctv ccd camera praising Chile’s government but expressing regret that Mexico could not save the 65 miners who died in 2006 after an explosion in a coal mine.
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