2010年10月12日 星期二

Political change is needed

Political change is needed

Democrats have held power in this country for quite some time.REPLICA BREITLING They blame the bad times we are going through on(George W.)Bush, but it was (Bill) Clinton who caused our problems, not Bush. His free trade (policies) brought in foreign goods, caused our industries to go outside the country, and now the rest of the world has our technology and everything America has invented or manufactured. Clinton initiated the ability for those who couldn't afford a home to buy one. Now the housing market has gone bust, and the loan industry and Wall Street have waltzed away rich beyond belief while the American taxpayer foots the bill.

I also have a problem with illegals who seem to get more benefits than American people do without putting a dime into the system. North Carolina has turned a blind eye to them,Breitling Watches providing schooling for their children, housing assistance and Medicaid.TAG HEUER REPLICA North Carolina's working man has to foot the bill for these people who should not be here in the first place.

A disabled lady in my family gets no help other than charity. She had to hire a lawyer and hopes to get Medicaid. Meanwhile, an illegal family of eight near us all have total Medicaid coverage. They work every day, get housing assistance, food stamps and help with utilities, too. It is not right. Americans should come first, but North Carolina puts them last. I know it may seem harsh and not politically correct, but North Carolina and the U.S. government have let down their poor working people, and it is time for a change.

The party in power has lied long enough and caused us to believe in change, but their change is not what we needed. They've lost touch with the working man. I am in favor of good education, but until you've been in the ditch with that working man, you will never be able to relate to what he goes through. He works hard to feed his family, has little medical care, skimps on food and pays through the nose just to live. Then he watches illegals riding in high-dollar vehicles carrying buggies of food out of stores paid for with food stamps his taxes paid for. He's the one who needs help.replica tag Heuer

