2011年3月31日 星期四

The area covers roughly 30 square miles

The area covers roughly 30 square miles

The area covers roughly 30 square miles about 10 miles west of Mehtar Lam, which is the provincial capital.

The raid marked the third time in a little more than a year that U.redbullhatsstore for sale wholesaler of Great Discovery !S. or Afghan troops tried to dislodge insurgents from the area. The Taliban killed several U.S. and Afghan government soldiers during the two previous raids. The French Army, which participated in this week’s operation, also has lost soldiers in the area. This time, the allies flooded the valleys with troops, and most of the Taliban apparently fled.

The operation was planned in secret,Buy China real cheaplvwatches watches from China , but insurgents probably figured something was coming after provincial leaders announced several weeks ago that they intended to set up a district government center in the area.Never retail for lessthan $250 Moreover if the cartierwatchesvendor claimsthewatch is Tag Aquaracer 20082 on saleor .List of all impactplayphone! Screenshots. Then, shortly before the troops hit the ground last weekend, the Americans dropped leaflets warning that a raid was imminent.

“It was to let the local population know, ‘Hey, we’re coming. Remain inside. Let us do what we came here to do,’” said Col. Ben Corell, the Guard’s top commander in Afghanistan.

Corell said the leaflets were worthwhile, even if they gave Taliban leaders a heads’ up to flee. “We want to do anything we can to mitigate civilian casualties,” he said. He noted that besides being a tragedy, civilian casualties caused by U.S. troops or their allies can be a propaganda boon for the insurgents.

The colonel noted that the valleys were peaceful until several years ago, when the area slipped under insurgent control. This time, he said, the Americans and Afghan government leaders are committed to securing the area and helping win the favor of its several thousand residents by improving roads,Read reviews of Australias top edhardyhatsretailers from our user community. building schools and undertaking other projects. Such efforts also will bring jobs to the impoverished area, he said.

