2011年2月10日 星期四

Bayer CropScience development manager

Bayer CropScience development manager

Bayer CropScience development manager Dr Richard Meredith is also upbeat. His firm has launched at least one product every year for the past five years. Most recent additions to the growers' armoury are Unicur and Movento, launched last year. Unicur,The Hampton Bay 2-Light Flush-Mount cctv surveillance camera features a round design and a brushed-nickel finish. a co-formulation including the strobilurin fungicide fluoxastrobin, will help onion growers.

The product is billed by the company as "the only one that controls all three diseases - downy mildew,Choose from a huge range of Bvlgari. Botrytis leaf spot and Cladosporium". Meredith says Unicur performed brilliantly in development trials. On main crops of 'Red Baron', for example, it achieved 95 per cent control of downy mildew and helped to increase yields.

Movento, which tackles sucking pests on brassicas and lettuces,Huge selection of gaga-deals for your garde, could make the difference between grade 1 quality and rejection thanks to something Meredith calls "two-way systemicity". Most insecticides move within the leaf but Movento moves up and down the entire plant to protect new growth and target hidden pests in heart leaves and roots.

The product, which is approved on sprouts,outdoor christmas decorations from PrestigeTime at discounted prices. cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and calabrese, controls mealy cabbage aphid, peach potato aphid and one of the worst brassica foes, whitefly. It is based on new chemistry that is safe to bees,You would like cctv security camera watches. Meredith adds. The active ingredient spirotetramat stops pests reproducing effectively to prevent population explosions.

"Movento changes the way you think about protecting your crop. It takes understanding on proper use," he says, adding that manufacturers need to be equally adept and flexible in their thinking under the new "regulatory burdens". They are not only launching new products.

"We are struggling to keep old products alive as well and it's like being a goalkeeper - you need eyes in the back of your head because you don't know who's trying to move the goal posts. For growers, the future is precarious because they need to protect quality.

