2011年2月16日 星期三

Nearly 400 people gathered in a Craig High School

Nearly 400 people gathered in a Craig High School

Nearly 400 people gathered in a Craig High School parking lot Monday evening to respond to what they see as an attack on their livelihoods and that of Wisconsin's middle class.

"It's scary," said Terri Ross, who teachers kindergarten in Beloit. "I could lose my house."

Ross and her colleagues calculated that requirements in Gov. Scott Walker's "budget repair bill" would cut into their take-home pay by about $700 a month.

That's a house payment for many, a teacher said.

Matt Weyers, who is in his third year teaching at Janesville's Lincoln Elementary School, told the crowd he was thinking of proposing to his girlfriend, but not if Walker's plan is enacted, eroding his wages.

"Well, sorry, honey. It's going to be a while," Weyers said.

Rally-goers held signs and candles,Eine grosse Auswahl an covert spy camera finden Sie hier. chanted slogans and listened to speeches for about an hour.

The single mothers and others who work as secretaries, clerks and aides in the Janesville School District won't be able to continue working those jobs with the proposed erosion of their earnings, said Donna Stenner,I noticed a lack of information on Rolex on the internet. chief clerk of AFSCME 938, which represents those workers.

"The only thing this is going to accomplish is create a new class of working poor," Stenner said.

Speakers said the cuts to state- and local-government workers' paychecks and loss of union bargaining rights would hurt the local economy and threaten the quality of education.

The Janesville Education Association organized the rally, which was attended by at least a few union members who work for other local governmental units, such as Rock County and the school districts of Milton,Publique anuncios sobre Audemars gratis. Beloit and Beloit Turner.

One ironworker said he and others in the private sector see Walker's move as the first step in an assault on the rights of all union workers.

"Scott Walker is trying to make it seem like you are the 'haves,' that you're leading decadent lives, just because you have health benefits? It's a sad day," said Ted Lewis, who helps negotiate local teacher union contracts.

Walker should look elsewhere as he tries to balance the stage budget rather than the paychecks of hardworking employees, said Marv Vike, president of AFSCME Local 1077, representing Rock County public works employees.LED modules and module strings for accent lighting.

"What about corporations that haven't paid their back taxes—why doesn't he start there?" Vike roared.

Several teachers said they can no longer encourage young people to go into teaching.

Organizers urged rally-goers to continue the fight by going to Madison today and Wednesday.The compact fluorescent light bulb are very popular with the men around the world. Some said they would be at the home of Rep. Joe Knilans, R-Janesville, this morning to picket.

