2011年2月16日 星期三

Severe weather season around corner

Severe weather season around corner

The weather, though the calendar still reads that it is mid-February,LED modules and module strings for accent lighting. has most everyone’s eye toward April and May, warmer weather and sunny days. But, instead of snow and cold like has been the norm this winter Mother Nature delivers severe thunderstorms, hail and even tornadoes as a springtime guest.

North Alabamians should not get lulled to sleep as temperatures reach into the 60s and 70s this week. Winter isn’t over and it’s quickly followed by severe weather. It’s always a good idea to keep an eye to the sky.

In preparation for the upcoming season the National Weather Service, Alabama Emergency Management Agency and the American Red Cross annually observe Severe Weather Awareness Week the last week in February. It’s a time when the agencies stress the importance of being weather aware and prepared in case severe weather threatens the area.

This year’s observance is scheduled Feb. 20-25. It includes an opportunity for local government agencies, schools, businesses and even families to take part in a mock tornado drill on Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 9:30 a.m. as a way to learn and practice lifesaving practices before the need arises.

The agencies also provide information on severe shunderstorms,The compact fluorescent light bulb are very popular with the men around the world.I noticed a lack of information on Rolex on the internet. lightning, damaging straight line winds, hail, flooding and flash flooding and the importance of having easy access to watches and warnings through NOAA Weather Radio. Information on the types of severe weather experienced in the Tennessee Valley, explanation of the difference between watches and warnings, the danger of lightning and lifesaving measures needed before and after a storm are fully explained. Information is just a click away on the National Weather Service web site at www.srh.noaa.gov/hun. Follow the links and download valuable information to review with friends and family.

Don’t be lulled to sleep with this week’s wonderful weather. After all,Publique anuncios sobre Audemars gratis. in the event of severe weather,Eine grosse Auswahl an covert spy camera finden Sie hier. knowing what to do can be the difference between life and death.

