2011年1月10日 星期一

'Horrified' By The Differences

'Horrified' By The Differences

To find out, Hart and Risley embarked on an ambitious research project. They decided they would follow 40 families — rich, poor and in between — for the first three years of their children's lives. Literally, they would record and count the words that were said to these children.

"We really wanted to know everything that was happening to the kids," Hart says. "Who talked to the child, how long, how often, how many different words were said and how many total words were said.Amazing selection of cartier to fit everyone's personal style. How many past-tense verbs and in what circumstances. You know, what people actually do all day long."

And so, starting in 1983 every month for three years, trained observers with recorders were sent to the homes of the families who had agreed to participate. There,chanel womenhandbags compact fluorescent light. they cataloged every utterance, endless hours of seemingly inconsequential babble.

Hart says it took close to 10 years to transcribe these tapes so they could be fed into a computer for analysis.FASCINANTES Bell Ross 100% suizos. But the results were worth it. Hart and Risley discovered many fascinating things about the differences between the way rich and poor families on average speak to their children.

But in the end,american lighting is currently recognized as one of the nation's leading lighting retrofit contractors. the finding that most struck people, Hart says, was not about the quality of the speech — how often rich versus poor parents asked questions or positively affirmed their children — but about the quantity.

According to their research, the average child in a welfare home heard about 600 words an hour while a child in a professional home heard 2,100.

"Children in professional families are talked to three times as much as the average child in a welfare family," Hart says.

And that adds up. Hart and Risley estimated that by the age of 4, children of professional parents had heard on average 48 million words addressed to them while children in poor welfare families had heard only 13 million.

It was no wonder that the underprivileged children they saw at their preschool could not catch up and often lagged behind once they went to school. They simply weren't getting the experience with language provided to their peers.Back Replica Submariner Rolex Kellot.

And personally, Hart says, seeing those numbers staring back at her on the page made her more than demoralized. "Horrified might be a better word," she says. "Horrified when you see that the differences are so great, and you think of trying to make up those differences. I mean, the image that you have is of running after a train. You just look at it and say, you know, 'it's hopeless.

