2011年1月20日 星期四

Police report rash of door-busting burglaries

Police report rash of door-busting burglaries

City police are working to solve three recent burglaries, all off Forest Drive, where homes were entered after the door was kicked in.

But the scope of the investigation is wider.

Since November, doors were kicked in to gain access during 16 burglaries in Annapolis, said city police spokesman Maj. Scott Baker.

"They have kicked in the front or back door - most of them in the front," he said. "The homeowners have done the right thing. Their doors were locked, otherwise they would not have been kicked in."
He said a swift kick to a wooden door frame will likely break a lock.
But there's more residents can do - mostly with their eyes and ears.

"We need to get people to report unusual activity,I noticed a lack of information on Rolex on the internet." Baker said.
In one case, a resident saw a person pacing up and down in front of the house,LED modules and module strings for accent lighting. before leaving.

When the resident returned, the house had been broken into.

Another victim reported seeing two people sitting in a car near the house.

In another case, someone was going door-to-door trying to sell roofing jobs.

"Now, am I saying that everyone outside your house is going to rob you? No," Baker said. "But who knows - if one of these victims had reported the unusual activity, we might have prevented a burglary.

"We might have arrested a suspect who has been doing a lot of these burglaries, and we'd be done with it," Baker said.

The three recent cases - in which the thief netted more than $12,000 in goods - could be related, but police aren't sure, Baker said.durable of compact fluorescent light for Sale,

"We look at three factors here - how the crime was committed, what was taken and the time of day," Baker said.

There are similarities.The compact fluorescent light bulb are very popular with the men around the world. Access was gained by kicking in doors. Two of the three break-ins were in the afternoon.z-watch is an online community and multimedia art project about zombies. And all involved the theft of electronics or jewelry.

