2010年12月12日 星期日

What’s in your fracing fluid?

What’s in your fracing fluid?

With Republicans gearing up to take control of the U.tagheuerreplica01 womenhandbags compact fluorescent light.S. House of Representatives come January,cctv camera systems must satisfy budget constraints and meet required operating capabilities. hopes for federal regulation of hydraulic fracturing are beginning to dry up.

The practice – more often known as fracing – pumps millions of gallons of water, sand and chemicals into wells at a high pressure. The pressure causes the underground formation to fracture and natural gas to flow.

Although the process has been widely used for more than half a century, it recently has garnered headlines because of groundwater and air contamination concerns.The compact fluorescent light bulb revolution nearly occurred back in the early 1990s.

It looks unlikely that the current Congress has enough time to vote on a bill co-sponsored by Reps. Diana DeGette, D-Denver, and Jared Polis, D-Boulder, that requires companies to disclose which chemicals they use during the fracing process. Their bill also would close what is known as the “Halliburton loophole,” which exempts the industry from having to comply with the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act and stripped away the Environmental Protection Agency’s power to regulate the industry.

The cause lost a key ally several months ago when now-outgoing U.S. Rep. John Salazar, D-Manassa, refused to offer his support for federal regulation of fracing. Salazar, who previously spoke out about the need for the government to regulate the process, said he was worried about the economic impact on the energy industry in his natural gas-rich district. During his campaign, Salazar received tens of thousands of dollars from the gas and oil industry, according to figures from the Center for Responsive Politics.

Odds for passage are slimmer yet in the next Congress because of Democrats’ loss of control of the House and smaller numbers in the Senate.american lighting is currently recognized as one of the nation's leading lighting retrofit contractors.

Juliet Johnson, a spokeswoman for DeGette, said the congresswoman has not announced whether she is going to reintroduce the bill during the next Congress, but disclosure of the chemicals could be her chief priority.

“At this point in time, (DeGette is) more focused with the work that still needs to be done this session taken care of, and then she’ll start having those conversations about what’s next and how her priorities are going to fit in,” Johnson said.

Gas and oil industry advocates say federal disclosure is unnecessary, costly and would reveal trade secrets. States currently have the discretion to regulate fracing, but some have lax rules.

“From our standpoint, we understand what the congresswoman is trying to get ... but from where we sit in Colorado,Many eta replica watches are very reliable. we strongly believe that the states have the expertise and the knowledge that the feds don’t have to be able to do the regulatory activities that are required for the oil and gas industry,” said Doug Flanders, director of policy and external affairs for the Colorado Oil and Gas Association.

